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Madisonville Junior High School

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Ms. Lori French » Composition Books

Composition Books

Composition Books:

Instead of using a textbook, we use a 100 page composition book. Students will be responsible for keeping up with their composition book. If a student loses their composition book, they will be required to copy another student's composition book entirely to catch back up. We will have composition book quizzes periodically. If a student takes care of business in class, they will greatly excel at composition book quizzes. The 7th grade composition book comes in handy during high school to be able to refer back to topics we discuss during this school year.

  • each page must have: title, date and page number

  • must keep track of composition book throughout entire school year

  • must bring composition book to class everyday

  • must write in pencil or colored pencil--absolutely no markers or ink pen