Happy Spring Mustangs!

As a reminder: This page will contain information and events related to Ms. Stallones' 6th and 7th-Grade Reading Classes throughout this year. Please visit this site regularly for updates on assignment due dates and other important information. 

I encourage parents to sign up for Remind 101 and make sure your students are signed up for their classes in Google Classroom. 

Email: tstallones@madisonvillecisd.org

Conference: 6th Period (1:04 - 1:54)

About Ms. Stallones

Hello! My name is Ms. Stallones, and I will teach 6th and 7th-grade Reading this year.  I am an alumna of Stephen F. Austin State University (Go Lumberjacks!), where I received my Bachelor's degree, and I hope to return soon to complete my Masters. My hobbies include reading, listening to music, and completing puzzles. 

This is my FIRST year at MCISD, and I am so excited to get to know everyone in the school and community!

Remind 101

Parents, you will find Remind codes for your child's grade below. Please join to keep up with important information and updates for our class!

6th Grade: @26g47c 

7th Grade: @c7cc9be 

Breakfast and Lunch Menu

breakfast apr.pdf
lunch apr.pdf